BLACK Monitoring and Detection Methods of Water Pollution: 2013

Group Members:

Group Members: Zai Xing ,Joey ,Xiao Tian ,Li Min

Thursday, July 25, 2013


We will be focusing on:
ü Introduction
ü Sampling
ü PH
ü Temperature
ü Bioindicator

Water is essential for life. It is a universal solvent which most substances are able to dissolve in it. The amount of water on Earth remains the same throughout the years. The water cycle has played an important role in ensuring constant supply of water all year round. It is important to have safe drinking water and a clean water environment for aquatic organisms to survive. Therefore, we need to monitor and detect in order to ensure the water is clean. For our presentationWe will be focusing on urban waste.

Urban wastewater Pollution

It can be classified as Residential and Non-residential :

I.            Residential
Ø Wastewater generated by homes
Ø Blackwater (wastewater from toilet)
Ø Graywater(Wastewater generated other than toilet)

II.            Non-residential
Ø Wastewater generated by industrials, schools, offices and etc.
Ø Contain high in chemical and biological pollutants
Ø Higher volumes or amount of wastes which contain more toxic


What is sampling?

Sampling is the collection of a portion of the test substance from the source. Water samples can provide a lot of information on a water source such as pH, BOD, Temperature which help to improve water quality.

Monitoring and Dectection by pH

What is pH?

pH is the test  of the acidity and basicity of the aqueous solution. The pH value is determined by the concentration of the hydrogen ions (H+). It is important to monitor pH as it helps us to identify the presence of toxic substances and whether aquatic organisms are able to survive and grow well in that particular pH.
Aquatic organisms live between the pH of 6.0 to 8.0.However, the pH of the water will be affected by the acid rain. 

Acid Rain is formed by the
sulfur dioxide (SO2) and nitrogen oxides (NOx) dissolved with rainwater. When precipitation occurs, the soil contain nutrients (Aluminum) will be urban wash off to sea water by leaching. This caused the pH to decrease however the aluminum levels increases. As the result, this caused the fishes have chronic stress and not able to grow well to compete for food. The aquatic organisms may not be able to adapt the change of rapid decrease of pH and the drop of food intake. As a result, the organisms maybe not be able to survive.

pH Scale : 

The tolerance of the change in pH:

pH Biosensor:

The biosensor use a controlled optical source that emits light signals at specified frequencies which excite an ion-specific sensor spot in contact with the test medium. 

Changes in the parameter is due to some changes in some characteristic (intensity, phase shift, etc.) of the fluorescence. Because they are inherently self-referencing, this detection technology removes measurement error arising from changes in sample properties (i.e. flow rate, viscosity, etc.) over the duration of an experiment. This ensures stable, drift-free calibration and hence reliable measurements throughout the lifespan of a sensing element.

Monitoring and Dectecting by Temperature

Temperature – degradation of water quality which affect the living organism in the Aquatic life. Bacteria are living within different range of temperature. Some are important food source for aquatic life such as fish.  Some will cause disease if there is a change of temperature. Temperature of water in coastal area are variable with the location, weather include (tide, storm, wind) and time. Monitoring of harmful bacteria has to be done at different point of time, location and weather since sewage water will be discharge to the environment.


-          Increase certain bacteria level eg. E. coli   
-          Invite thermophile or psychrophile bacteria
-          Decrease amount of plankton bacteria which the main source of food for aquatic life 
-        Decrease reproduction rate of aquatic species
-          Increase the metabolism for aquatic animal to consume even more food than normal 
-          Cause fish and living organism killed by sudden change of temperature which called thermal shock 
-          Decrease oxygen supply which affect ecosystem composition  
-          Food chain of the old and new environment may be compromised
-          Algae Bloom will take place if there is an increase of temperature which cause Eutrophication

Monitoring and detecting by using thermometer or thermister to measure and determine
-          The possible bacteria and their population exist in the water
-          Sewage treatment plant has proper discharge of water to environment with the temperature of 45c under Allowable Limit for Trade Effluent Discharge.

* Where 2 or more of the metals listed in the table are present in the trade effluent, the total concentration of the metals shall not exceed 10 milligrams per litre.
**( ) Old limits before 1 May 2005. Existing industries have a grace period of 2 years to comply with new limits.
Controlled Watercourse means a watercourse from which potable water supplied by PUB under the Public Utilities Act is obtained but does not include a watercourse from which water is pumped into a main of the PUB.
The trade effluent discharged must not include:-
(1) Calcium carbide.
(2) Petroleum spirit or other inflammable solvents.
(3) Materials that may give rise to fire or explosion hazards.
(4) Materials that may be a hazard to human life, a public nuisance, injurious to health or otherwise objectionable.
(5) Refuse, garbage, sawdust, timber, or any solid matter.
(6) Pesticides, fungicides, insecticides, herbicide, rodenticide or fumigants.
(7) Radioactive material.
The trade effluent shall be analysed in accordance with the latest edition of Standard Methods for the Examination of Water and Wastewater published jointly by the American Water Works Association and the Water Pollution Control Federation of the United States.

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Monitoring and Detection Using BOD

Biological Oxygen Demand (BOD)

The amount of dissolved oxygen needed by aerobic organisms to break down pollutants present in a water pollution site at a specific temperature in a fixed period of time. The BOD is used to determine the severity of a particular water pollution site. It can also be used to monitor the effectiveness of wastewater treatment plants. BOD directly affects the oxygen level in water bodies. 

Picture of Polluted River Waters

 Picture of Pristine River Waters

BOD5 Test - The BOD value is usually recorded in terms of milligrams of oxygen consumed per litre during a period of 5 days (a basic requirement of this test) incubated at 20°C. Rate of oxygen consumption in the pollution site may be affected by: temperature, pH, the presence of certain kinds of microorganisms, and the type of organic and inorganic material in the water. The greater the BOD, oxygen depletes at a faster rate in the stream. Low dissolved oxygen may cause aquatic organism to be stress, suffocate and die. The presence of pollutants; such as fertilizers and pesticides, human faeces, leftover food, etc. commonly found in urban waste that are being washed into water bodies during storms will increase the level of BOD.

Two Common and Recognised Types:

Dilution Method

     Amount of Dissolved Oxygen being measured before and after incubation
-      300ml incubation bottles are being used
-      Buffered dilution water filled with Seed microorganisms
-      Set-up is being stored in the dark for 5 days at 20°C (Prevent Dissolved Oxygen to be produced via Photosynthesis that the microorganisms undergo)
-      Dilution water blank is to ensure quality of dilution water used to dilute, whereby impurities would affect the results
-      Glucose Glutamic acid (GGA) is used to determine the quality of the seed microorganisms
-      A Nitrification Inhibitor is added after dilution water has been added to the sample for cBOD Tests (carbonaceous BOD)
-      Inhibitor prevents oxidation of ammonia nitrogen which supplies nBOD (nitrogenous BOD)
-      cBOD is measured as it is produced by organic matter being broken down

Above Formula Credited to:

Picture of a BOD Seed  

Manometric Method

-      Only measures oxygen consumption used up by carbonaceous oxidation
-      Sample will be placed in a sealed container containing a pressure sensor
-      Addition of Carbon dioxide absorber (such as Lithium Hydroxide) above sample level
-      Sample will be stored under similar to conditions as the Dilution Method
-      Oxygen is consumed as Ammonia Oxidation is inhibited
-      Carbon dioxide will be given off
-      The pressure of the total amount of gas will be reduced due to Carbon dioxide being absorbed
-      Electronic Sensors would then detect the fall in pressure and display the amount of oxygen being consumed

Test Limitations


-     -      Some pollutants in urban waste contain chemicals that may affect microbiological growth or activity
-      Some potential sources: Antibiotics in pharmaceutical wastes, sanitizers in food processing or commercial cleaning facilities, chlorination disinfection used following conventional sewage treatment, and odor-control formulations used in sanitary waste holding tanks in passenger vehicles or portable toilets.  etc.
-      Reduction of microbial community to oxidise waste will lower the expected results

Appropriate Microbial Population

-    -      Test relies on microbes that contain enzymes that are used to oxidise the pollutants
-      Some wastewaters (e.g. those from biological secondary waste sewage treatment) will already contain large populations of microorganisms acclimated to the water being tested
-      Part of the waste may be used up during the holding period before the start of the test (Time Lag)
-      Microbes may also take some time to make enzymes

Two Methods of BOD5 its Test Limitations credited to:

BOD Biosensor

-         -        An alternative to measure BOD indirectly
     -        Detects an analyte that combines is a combination of a biological component with a physicochemical detector component
-        Results obtainable quickly (commonly less than 30 minutes)


-      High maintenance costs
-      Limited run lengths due to the need for reactivation
-      Inability to respond to changing quality characteristics (e.g. diffusion processes of the biodegradable organic matter into the membrane and different responses by different microbial species)
-      Uncertainty associated with the calibration function for translating the BOD substitute into the real BOD

BOD Biosensor and limitations credited to:

Picture of a BOD Biosensor  

Tuesday, July 23, 2013


  •  What is it?

Bioindicators are biological responses from organisms used to assess the quality of the environment and how it changes over time. Changes in the environment are often attributed to anthropogenic* disturbances (e.g., pollution, land use changes) or natural stressors (e.g., drought, late spring freeze).

*environmental pollution and pollutants originating in human activity

  • Example of bioindicators

·         Aresa, a private company originally based at the University of Copenhagen, is marketing bioindicator plants commercially. Aresa genetically engineered a weedy plant (left) with a gene that produced a red-coloured product when the gene's expression was induced by a receptor as a breakdown product of TNT. On the right is a photo of a soil tray planted with the engineered bioindicator seed in which the upper right quadrant of the soil has been drenched with liquid TNT. The photo at the right indicates the size of isolated plants.

·         Cutthroat trout inhabit cold water streams of the western United States. Most trout have an upper thermal tolerance of 20°–25°C; thus, their temperature sensitivity can be used as a bioindicator of water temperature.

  •  How is it done?

Biomonitoring involves the use of organisms as indicators to detect pollutants; generally, benthic macroinvertebrates*, fish, and/or algae are used. Certain aquatic plants have also been used. This is because biochemical, genetic, morphological, and physiological changes in certain organisms have been noted as being related to particular environmental stressors and can be used as indicators to monitor and detect pollution in the water through the changes in them, as well as acting as an early warning system for larger-scale effects; for example, reduced photosynthesis in a plant or a coral may indicate stress from exposure to herbicides.

A method to detect pollution developed in Israel a few years back, "listening" to algae to detect pollution. Researchers have discovered that by shining a laser beam on the algae they can stimulate photosynthesis. Depending on the rate of photosynthesis and the health of algae differing amounts of heat are shot back into the water, creating sound waves. These waves can be picked up by an underwater microphone, allowing the scientists to analyse the health of the algae and the condition of the surrounding water.

Barramundi and mud skippers appear also to be sensitive bioindicator species. Monitoring of biochemical, cellular or genetic changes in fish tissue using sensitive new techniques can help identify if changes are due to natural variation or human-induced effects.

However it is also good to note that the absence of a species is not as meaningful as it might seem as there may be reasons, other than pollution, that resulted in its absence (e.g., predation, competition, or geographic barriers which prevented it from ever being at the site). 

An example to illustrate the above point would be the Indus River. The Indus is the primary source of freshwater for most of Pakistan, a fast-growing nation of more than 170 million people. Waters from the Indus are drawn for household and industrial use, and support about 90 percent of the agriculture in the arid country. The Indus is one of the great rivers of the world, but it is now so exploited that it no longer flows into the ocean at the Port of Karachi. Instead, in the words of New York Times writer Steven Solomon, the Indus is "dribbling to a meager end . . . Its once-fertile delta of rice paddies and fisheries has shrivelled up." The lower Indus had been a lush ecosystem, supporting artisanal fishers and providing habitat to diverse species, including the critically endangered Indus River dolphin.

Absence of multiple species present previously at the same site is more indicative of pollution than absence of a single species. It is clearly necessary to know which species should be found at the site or in the system.

* Aquatic macroinvertebrates are organisms without backbones that are visible to the eye without the aid of a microscope. They live on, under, and around rocks and sediment on the bottoms of lakes, rivers, and streams. As a result of their habitat choice, macroinvertebrates are often regarded as “benthos” which refers collectively to organisms which live on, in or near the bottom of lakes, rivers and streams.

  • ·         How many types of biomonitoring are there?

There are two types of biomonitoring. One type of biomonitoring is surveillance before and after a project is complete or before and after a toxic substance enters the water (detecting). The other type of biomonitoring is to ensure compliance with regulations or guidelines or to ensure water quality is maintained (monitoring).
